Month of Prayer and Giving Day 22 – Don’t waste your annual leave

Month of Prayer and Giving Day 22 – Don’t waste your annual leave

Month of Prayer and Giving Day 22 – Don’t waste your annual leave

I tend to take part of my holiday entitlement to travel outside my normal areas of ministry to assist friends in their ministry endeavours. So, in November 2015 I found myself preaching at Proclamation Institute Zambia in Garneton – near Kitwe – in Central Zambia. While there I also had the opportunity to meet up with my friend and GBP treasurer, Chola Mukanga. Foremost on my agenda was a desire to encourage him to pursue full-time ministry.

I was pleased to hear of how the Lord was already working in his heart giving him such a desire. The fact that his wife was encouraging him along these same lines was heartening as well. So, it came as no great surprise when not long thereafter Chola and I met up with Andrew Fuller and Graham Trice in Café in the Crypt at St Martin in the Fields in Central London to discuss the possibility of Chola leading a church revitalisation project in Bexleyheath.

The Lord gave us a unity of heart and mind concerning a proposal we would like to bring to the church members. There was no guarantee though that the members would accept it. However, God gave them a willingness to embrace the proposal and Chola left his work as an economist with the Ministry of Justice and took up the work in Bexleyheath late last year.

The Lord has given early encouragements including a baptism. The church is growing numerically and spiritually and there is optimism concerning the future.

Will you pray for Chola, Eunice and Abigail Mukanga? Will you remember also their extended families in Zambia some of whom have experienced ill health recently?

Will you ask the Lord to continue to bless the fellowship with unity as they seek to be more proactive in evangelism and discipleship?

Will you pray for more men to enter vocational ministry and for more churches to give them opportunities to serve?

Will you think of ways to use some of your annual leave for the gospel?

Barry King

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