Tag: North Watford

Day 14 – 29 Days of Prayer and Giving – North Watford, Hertfordshire

I had been there before. In the early days I used to preach there every week. I had distributed tracts on St. Alban’s Road. I had knocked on doors on Cecil, Judge and Regent Streets. I had visited a church planter and his wife just after they learned she had breast cancer. I had preached in special evangelistic meetings. I had chaired members meetings. I had been there before. But this time was different. You see, I was going to North Watford to lead the friends there through the process of forming a new church.

A Chapel Filled with People – Church Planting Report from North Watford

Grace Baptist Church, North Watford is thanking the Lord for His continued blessings upon the work in Watford. In particular, the church is rejoicing and thankful to the Lord for their recent Christmas services.

Planting Churches; Fighting Cancer – A Church Planters’ Wife’s Testimony

There are some assumptions we often carry in life without them ever being checked or challenged. They include those things which some would call ‘protocol’ or ‘social and cultural norms’. Put simply, things we often take for granted. This past weekend something I have taken for granted and considered a protocol was not only checked, but also challenged; both in a gentle and mild fashion.